I heard a brother ask the question,

 " Where can I find the scripture that says, God won't put more on me than I can bare"?

So many times people foolishly debate God's word as if the promises found within are some how invalid if they can not find it stated,  or written verbatim.

I think this is one reason why God encourages us to study His word; which is the same as saying, "meditate" on His word;  so that we will come to recognize and understand God's spiritual  principles to the extent that we are able to see beyond what is expressed in the confines of English  grammatical structure. 

When we do this we begin to understand that it is a living word, and can best be understood by those who abide by it's principles. However, in response to the brother's inquiry; if we would meditate on:
1Corinthians 10:13, and Isaiah 43:2

we should see in them examples of God's promises and assurance to provide what we need to endure in our time of weakness. We need only to trust God's Word!

Please make plans to attend our upcoming    Christian Art Exhibit.   Featuring works by
Rev. Essex Hubbard

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Northern District Baptist Association
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